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Gamification Clinic

Meet Abigail Benyair, Alexander Diab-Liu, Ahamd Diaa Altarabishi, and Andrew Ye, creators of Gamification Clinic.

The Gamification Clinic team initially came together as first-year students at McMaster University and solidified their collaboration during a health solution design course. This course provided them with a platform to work together, explore their shared interests and aspirations, and combine their knowledge of electrical, material and biomedical engineering to provide a strong foundation for their innovation project.

The project originated after the team encountered a patient who had suffered a stroke and was left paralyzed. Through discussions and interactions, they discovered the challenges the patient faced in completing physiotherapy. They also learned about the patient’s passion for games, particularly chess, despite the limitations imposed by the stroke. This realization inspired the team to develop the idea of gamifying the rehabilitation process to support the patient on their recovery journey.

The Residency program has been an invaluable experience for the Gamification Clinic team. They particularly appreciate the support in expanding their project to include other games and exercises. Biweekly meetings with their coach have been instrumental in facilitating progress and they are grateful for all the feedback received from other Clinic staff and the overall supportive community during Residency @ The Clinic.

Looking ahead, the team is dedicated to expanding their technology and reaching a broader demographic, ensuring more individuals can benefit from the Gamification Clinic’s rehabilitation support.